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Math Curriculum Overview

Massachusetts 2017 Mathematics Curriculum Frameworks is a set of standards which outline goals for student learning. The current MA Frameworks incorporate the Common Core standards. NAPS educators work together using core resources to outline how students meet these goals.

These can also be found on the DESE website:

Quick Reference Guides (QRGs)

QRGS to the 2017 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics are now available!

MA DESE site includes quick reference guides to better understand the learning progression of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and Fractions. 

QRGs also include how mathematically proficient students demonstrate the 8 Standards for Math Practice in each grade span. As stated in the document "To become college and career ready, students must be able to problem-solve, reason and prove, communicate, represent, make connections, conceptualize, and strategize in mathematics." 

Common Core Roadmaps for Math

The common core roadmaps provide an overview by grade level of important concepts and models your child will be using in the classroom. This resource is helpful for understanding how math is being taught in the classroom today. The roadmaps provide guidance on questions you may want to ask your child's teacher to understand their math performance and progress. 

More information can be found on this site Common Core Parent Road Maps for Math